Ethical Ads#

A lot of Sphinx documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs, who provide free docs hosting for open source projects. Ethical Ads is a privacy-respecting ad network built by ReadTheDocs, and is one of the contributors to their sustainability.

Adding this component to your page in the correct places, helps you make sure that when ReadTheDocs tries to show ethical ads in documentation built with your theme, they are well integrated with it and show up where you expect them to be visible.


{% include "components/ethical-ads.html" %}

This will add an empty div tag, which would be populated by ReadTheDocs.

It is also expected that the page will manually load ads. This is done for pages hosted by ReadTheDocs automatically.


There are 3 values that can be provided via the html-context, which correspond to the following configuration attributes on the ethical ad div:

  • ethical_ad_class: maps to class

  • ethical_ad_type: maps to data-ea-type

  • ethical_ad_publisher: maps to data-ea-publisher

If these values are not set, they will take reasonable values for ReadTheDocs-based documentation.

The div for the ad is only included on the page if the documentation is being built on ReadTheDocs or ethical_ad_publisher is set.


If you need additional control/configuration, it is recommended to include the this component as shown here, and to override the components/ethical-ads.html file in your theme.